New Residential Account>
Learn how to open a new residential account with Tillsonburg Hydro as well as get information about security deposits.
Sign up for a new account
To register a new account with us, please complete and sign a residential service application and contract and submit it to us either:
- By email to accounts@tillsonburghydro.ca
- In-person at the Tillsonburg Hydro Customer Service Centre at 10 Lisgar Ave.
- By fax to 519-688-0759
You must be at least 18 years old to register for a new account and you may register up to two account holders. Both account holders must include copies of two pieces of ID with their application, including one with a photo.
Once your new account is created, you can choose your preferred payment method for future hydro bills.

Security deposit requirements
We charge a security deposit for new Tillsonburg Hydro customers who don’t:
- Have sufficient credit history with Tillsonburg Hydro
- Have a letter of credit from another utility company
- Sign up for a pre-authorized payment program
Your security deposit will be charged within up to six of your first bills and refunded one year after the date of your last deposit payment.
To find out if you will be charged a security deposit, or to figure out the amount of your required deposit, please call us at 519-842-9200.
How we calculate deposit fees
For newly constructed homes, we calculate the security deposit fee based on the square footage of the property. For existing homes, the deposit fee is 2.5 times the average monthly usage of the previous occupants.
Conditions of Service
View our Conditions of Service to view details of our customer service agreements.
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Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.
10 Lisgar Ave
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 5A5
Phone: (519) 688-3009
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