Applicants are cautioned not to incur any expenses until Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., has approved the proposed generation facility.
Applicants are cautioned not to incur any expenses until Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., has approved the proposed generation facility.
In accordance with the Ontario Energy Board’s Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Connection Procedure, Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., has developed a Generation Connection Information Package. The package contains the information necessary to connect a distributed energy resource to Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.'s distribution system, including the applications and documents required to facilitate the DER connection.
The Generation Connection Information Package and all supporting documents are available electronically below.
Proponents may also contact Tillsonburg Hydro Inc. for a paper copy of these resources. Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., will send a copy of the Generation Connection Information Package by Canada Post to addresses in Ontario.
For generation inquiries, please contact:
Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.
10 Lisgar Ave.
Tillsonburg, ON
N4G 5A5
(519) 688-3009
The OEB is the independent regulator of Ontario’s electricity and natural gas sectors. Visit the OEB website to review the Distribution System Code and Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedure.
The IESO is the Crown corporation responsible for operating the electricity market and directing the operation of the bulk electrical system in the province of Ontario, Canada.
Electrical safety and inspections.
Federal government agency.
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association is the voice for wind energy, solar energy and energy storage solutions that will power Canada’s energy future.
Hydro One is the host distributor. Find additional resources and technical requirements on Hydro One’s website.
Standards, equipment testing, inspection and certification.
Tillsonburg Hydro Inc.
10 Lisgar Ave
Tillsonburg, Ontario
N4G 5A5
Phone: (519) 842-9200
Send an Email